Why does the administrative profession place so much importance on titles? The Admin Allies recently did a show to discuss titles and the plethora of choices that have sprung up in recent years. We also talked about the issue of how some Executive Assistants seem to have a “mean girl” mentality towards those of us with the Administrative Assistant title. It was an interesting discussion for sure, and one that we’re glad we got a chance to cover.
First of all, the Executive Assistant (EA) title appears to be saturating the business world with a large number of admins claiming this title. While it is impossible to differentiate whether each EA is actually doing that level of work to warrant the title, it is quite possible they aren’t. Likewise, some admins claim to function at a much higher level and are claiming the up-and-coming moniker of Chief of Staff. Regardless, this increase in high-functioning titles that have nothing to do with the admin profession is sending a serious message. Could it be that some admins are ashamed to be considered an admin at all? Do some feel that donning the EA title will help them to break away from the run of the mill admin herd? Do they seek to be considered something (and someone) more important?
On that note, it has been noticed that in their desire to make themselves stand out from the admin crowd, some admins have adopted titles at a much higher level than their assigned duties and responsibilities would prove. While aspirations to reach the next level of any career path is natural, is it really ethical to claim a title without the required skill set that goes with it, especially one that has nothing to do with the admin profession? I’m talking specifically about titles like project manager, chief of staff, and many others like these. People who hold these high-level jobs have achieved the required level of education, training and on-the-job experience necessary to properly satisfy the functions of such a role.
I think it would be wise to step back and think about EA vs AA vs any other title you’re considering before claiming expertise in that given area. Make sure you walk the walk AND talk the talk first.
There is another area of distress in the admin universe that is causing some great concern and that is EAs who have a need to denounce other professional admins who hold an AA title. They make remarks about how much lower in class or education or experience an AA is to an EA, or they make claims that AA’s couldn’t possibly handle the rigor and “strategic” workload assigned to a proven EA. That somehow an EA’s duties are that much more advanced than an AA’s. We all know that’s not the case for a lot of people functioning at the AA level.
Of course, there are many AAs who do not work at the same level as a highly skilled EA, most likely because they either lack the years of experience or just don’t have the knack to make it as an admin, regardless of title. But make no mistake… many AAs function at the same level as an EA and then some. I’d be willing to bet that in most cases, it’s the company that won’t make the move to recognize (and pay!) the AA at the EA level, and NOT because the AA can’t “keep up” with an EA. I certainly beg to differ with that!
There are hordes of AA’s performing at the EA level or better every day. By the same token, there are EA’s performing as an AA and doing AA-level work. The lines are not so easily drawn. Trying to find an absolute division between the two positions isn’t always as easy as reading a job description. Which, if you think about it, could be a good thing! It could be a sign of a healthy job market, one that is finding value in a strong, intelligent, forward-thinking administrative professional — that isn’t pigeonholed into one title.
So, in the spirit of true partnership and camaraderie, let’s remember that we all bring our own worth, ideas, values, experiences, and skills to the corporate landscape. No matter what our titles may be, let’s celebrate all we are and all we can do to elevate each other as admins. We’re all in this together!